Boutique skincare crafted with passion.

We are a boutique Australian company dedicated to making minimalist active skincare. We admire beautiful design and quality craftsmanship. We embrace simplicity and minimalism, and we are drawn to natural materials and simple forms. This means we are inspired to make products that can do more, so you need less. Products that reduce clutter and give you more time. Products that are active whilst being gentle. Products that are crafted from quality materials. We are passionate, we are opinionated, and we are different.


Eight Brook was founded by a small group of individuals with a diverse range of skills. Our product development is led by Edyta Stelmach. Edyta is a fully qualified cosmeceutical chemist with a degree in formulation science. For more than a decade, Edyta has toured the globe and designed bespoke products for leading cosmeceutical companies. Edyta spends most of her waking hours researching, discussing, developing and testing cosmeceutical products.
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